
PU Leather Bracelet stainless steel magnetic clasp braided bracelet & for man Sold By PC

  • Item No:210804190714
  • Dispatch :7-15 days
  • Size:12X16mm
  • In Stock - Available
  • items stock quantity PC
  • Packing:
  • Weight:
  • Volume Weight:
  • Effect :braided bracelet,different size for choice,for man
  • Clasp Material :stainless steel
  • Clasp Style :magnetic clasp
  • Discount:15%
Discount ends:
    • Color:

      1:black and original color,length:165mm2:black and original color,length:185mm3:black and original color,length:200mm4:brown and original color,length:165mm5:brown and original color,length:185mm6:brown and original color,length:200mm7:blue and original color,length:165mm8:blue and original color,length:185mm9:blue and original color,length:200mm10:dark blue  and original color,length:165mm11:dark blue  and original color,length:185mm12:dark blue  and original color,length:200mm13:green  and original color,length:165mm14:green  and original color,length:185mm15:green  and original color,length:200mm16:red   and original color,length:165mm17:red   and original color,length:185mm18:red   and original color,length:200mm19:white  and original color,length:165mm20:white  and original color,length:185mm21:white  and original color,length:200mm22:apricot  and original color,length:165mm23:apricot  and original color,length:185mm24:apricot  and original color,length:200mm25:gray  and original color,length:165mm26:gray  and original color,length:185mm27:gray  and original color,length:200mm28:black and  plumbum black,length:165mm29:black and  plumbum black,length:185mm30:black and  plumbum black,length:200mm31:brown and  plumbum black,length:165mm32:brown and  plumbum black,length:185mm33:brown and  plumbum black,length:200mm34:blue and  plumbum black,length:165mm35:blue and  plumbum black,length:185mm36:blue and  plumbum black,length:200mm37:dark blue and  plumbum black,length:165mm38:dark blue and  plumbum black,length:185mm39:dark blue and  plumbum black,length:200mm40:green and  plumbum black,length:165mm41:green and  plumbum black,length:185mm42:green and  plumbum black,length:200mm43:red and  plumbum black,length:165mm44:red and  plumbum black,length:185mm45:red and  plumbum black,length:200mm46:white  and  plumbum black,length:165mm47:white  and  plumbum black,length:185mm48:white  and  plumbum black,length:200mm49:apricot  and  plumbum black,length:165mm50:apricot  and  plumbum black,length:185mm51:apricot  and  plumbum black,length:200mm52:gray and  plumbum black,length:165mm53:gray and  plumbum black,length:185mm54:gray and  plumbum black,length:200mm55:black and gold color plated,length:165mm56:black and gold color plated,length:185mm57:black and gold color plated,length:200mm58:brown  and gold color plated,length:165mm59:brown  and gold color plated,length:185mm60:brown  and gold color plated,length:200mm61:blue  and gold color plated,length:165mm62:blue  and gold color plated,length:185mm63:blue  and gold color plated,length:200mm64:dark blue  and gold color plated,length:165mm65:dark blue  and gold color plated,length:185mm66:dark blue  and gold color plated,length:200mm67:green and gold color plated,length:165mm68:green and gold color plated,length:185mm69:green and gold color plated,length:200mm70:red  and gold color plated,length:165mm71:red  and gold color plated,length:185mm72:red  and gold color plated,length:200mm73:white and gold color plated,length:165mm74:white and gold color plated,length:185mm75:white and gold color plated,length:200mm76:apricot and gold color plated,length:165mm77:apricot and gold color plated,length:185mm78:apricot and gold color plated,length:200mm79:gray and gold color plated,length:165mm80:gray and gold color plated,length:185mm81:gray and gold color plated,length:200mm

    Price: US$/PC   US$0

    QTY: PC  

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