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      1:24-pink square empty disk small 12×12×1.5cm size as shown2:25-pink rectangular empty disk size 20×12×1.5cm as shown3:19-Khaki square empty disk small 12×12×1.5cm size as shown4:20-khaki rectangular empty disk size 20×12×1.5cm as shown5:29- Gray square empty disk small 12×12×1.5cm size as shown6:30-grey rectangular empty disk size 20×12×1.5cm as shown7:71- Green square empty disk small 12×12×1.5cm size as shown8:72-green rectangular empty disk small 20×12×1.5cm size as shown9:23- Blue square empty disk small 12×12×1.5cm size as shown10:24-blue rectangular empty disk size 20×12×1.5cm as shown11:11-Black square empty disk small 12×12×1.5cm size as shown12:12-black rectangular empty disk size 20×12×1.5cm as shown13:36-pink velvet skin round empty disk 12×1.8cm size as shown14:The size of 31-Khaki fleece skin round empty disk 12×1.8cm is shown15:41-gray velvet skin round empty disk 12×1.8cm size as shown16:35-blue velvet skin round empty disk size 12×1.8cm as shown17:37-pink velvet skin oval empty disc H1 30×20×1.8cm size as shown18:32-khaki fleece leather oval empty disc H1 30×20×1.8cm size as shown19:42-gray velvet skin oval empty disc H1 30×20×1.8cm size as shown20:36-blue fleecy skin oval empty disc H1 30×20×1.8cm size as shown21:38-pink velvet skin oval empty disk H2 32×18×1.8cm size as shown22:33-Khaki fleece leather oval empty disc H2 32×18×1.8cm size as shown23:43-gray velvet skin oval empty disk H2 32×18×1.8cm size as shown24:37-blue velvet skin oval empty disk H2 32×18×1.8cm size as shown25:21-pink rectangular empty disk with a size of 45x30x1.8cm is shown26:09-Pink rectangular empty disk 30x22x1.8cm size as shown27:10-pink square empty disk 25x25x1.8cm size as shown28:16-khaki rectangular empty disk size 45x30x1.8cm as shown以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用场景29:03-Khaki rectangular empty disk 30x22x1.8cm size as shown30:04-Khaki square empty disk 25x25x1.8cm size as shown31:26-gray rectangular empty disk with a size of 45x30x1.8cm is shown32:09- Grey rectangular empty disk 30x22x1.8cm size as shown33:10-gray square empty disk 25x25x1.8cm size as shown34:68-green rectangular empty disk with a size of 45x30x1.8cm is shown35:52-green rectangular empty disk 30x22x1.8cm size as shown in the figure36:53-green square empty disk 25x25x1.8cm size as shown37:20-blue rectangular empty disk with a size of 45x30x1.8cm is shown38:03-Blue rectangular empty disk 30x22x1.8cm size as shown39:04-Blue square empty disk 25x25x1.8cm size as shown40:08-Black rectangular empty disk size 45x30x1.8cm as shown41:06-Black rectangular empty disk 30x22x1.8cm size as shown42:07-Black square empty disk 25x25x1.8cm size as shown

    Pris: US$0/PC

    Mængde: PC  

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